Sunday, October 25, 2015

Which Features A High End Radar Detector Need

Nowadays , there is an popular device which can keep you safe from police . That device name is radar detector . A radar detector really bring speeding ticket away from . A speeding ticket can cost up to $500 . You can pay this amount anytime . Because no one can’t see the future , you can’t see what going on a head . So , avoiding police radar gun is nearly impossible . But it now possible with a radar detector . A radar detector really can help you detect the threat ahead . Some high end radar detector can detect up to 1 mile ahead. With that range , avoiding radar speed gun is so easy. But will all radar detector is equal. No , absolutely no . Market will give you best radar detector or a bad radar detector. That based on how much you can invest and how smart you are. You need to read more radar detector review to choose the best option for your car. Now we don’t talk about best radar detector , we talk about best features for radar detector .

Laser Detection

Laser is very hard to detect or it just can be detected when you almost near the radar speed gun. That is the reason why laser radar speed gun is now popular with police. They think with this tough device , no radar detector can detect them . However , newest radar detector can do detect laser radar speed gun . With laser detection from high end radar detector , Detecting laser from long range now is not impossible thing. Some radar detector can detect laser like normal bands . That is really a great news for driver who always want to avoid police and radar speed gun. No more fear at laser .

Auto Learn and GPS

GPS built – in is a great technology which can filter out all false alert . GPS technology will decide a false alert based on radar detector database. You need to update your radar detector database for the best performance . GPS can solve your problem with false alert . You wish you can manually add location for database . GPS built - in can help you do that.
And How about Auto Learn technology . This technology is only available for the best radar detector. This technology will automatically realize the false alert location. It will also add this location to database. Next time you don’t need to hear false alert in that location anymore because radar detector database had it. 

Community Sharing

This is one of the best feature. Because it is one of the best features, it is only available limitedly . Community sharing is a function which allow user to share threat information together. That means whenever you share information about threat location , this information will be shown up in radar detector community network . Other user can see that information and easily avoid them. This great feature is only available for Escort radar detector and Cobra radar detector .

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Which is The Best Feature For Filtering False Alert

Filtering False Alert is always make best radar detector brand headache . Because no radar detector can make sure they have 100 % accurate rate. They should update more often newest technology for filtering false alert if they don’t want their product is out of dated .  You should know that false alert really make driver feel uncomfortable . And no brands want this . They want their customer feel the most comfortable when using their product . Today we have a lots feature for filtering false warning . Those features has newest technology which can make the radar detector nearly reach 100% accurate rate ) . But which one is the best feature for filtering false warning. Let’s check this article you can see.

GPS Built – In

It will be a big mistake when you don’t write GPS in the list of best feature for radar detector . GPS really make customer feel safe when driving. Because with that feature, they don’t need to worry about false alert .  This feature will automatically lock and remove false alert when it detect them . You can said that GPS is one of the best solution for filtering false alert . Here is how it work . It work based on database and GPS feature. GPS in radar detector is not only a normal GPS but it also a great tool to decrease the false alert . As you see in the description of this feature, first GPS will detect your current location then it will make a research on the database . If it find anything wrong with your location , it will automatically make a warning for you. If it don’t find anything wrong with your current location, it will automatically lock the warning of this place. GPS work well when it combine with auto learn technology ( Escort do best at it). With GPS and auto learn , you can have the perfect couple to filter all false alert . Auto learn will automatically know if it is a false warning or not, then you don’t need to manually mark location. Passport Max 2 is one of the best GPS radar detector . You can check Passport Max 2 review in famous review website for confirming what I said

Community Sharing

Community sharing simply is the best feature for detecting and filtering . Do you know the problem when you only have GPS feature. The problem is you need to update database often. If you don’t update , you will have trouble with new location of radar gun . But we have a feature to counter that problem . That is community sharing. Community sharing is like a radar detector social community. They share information for you and you should do that for them. What is the most benefit from this feature. That is you can know all information about your current location. Is any radar gun near you or your current location is a false alert location . All information you need to know will be displayed on the screen of your smart phone. This great feature is only available for Cobra ( cobra Iradar ) and Escort ( Escort Live) .

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Review Beltronics Vector Series

It will be a big mistake when you find a good radar detector without seeking Beltronics  brand. It is one of the best radar detector brands in the world especially Beltronics vector series . This series is leader of Beltronics brand  and it always make Beltronics proud with top product . Someone will say when Escort own Beltronics , that is the end of this brand. But it’s not true. When Beltronics is owned by Escort , new product of Beltronics has all the best features of Escort radar detector brand. That’s why Beltronics has more and more great product. Beltronics series is one of the best radar detector series. Now we will check it series to know why people love Beltronics.


As I said before, Beltronics has almost great features from Escort . One of them is DSP ( digital signal processing). DSP will allow Beltronics Vector has great range and accurate detection. DSP really make your radar detector more stronger and powerful.  In some condition, Beltronics Vector V995 can detect 1 miles . That amount is only for top radar detector now. 

Bands Detection

Almost bands in America can be detected easily by Beltronics Vector series . X bands, K bands , Ka bands even Ku bands can be detected . Ku band is only available for Europe but in the future we don’t know if American police use it or not. But if you want to make sure 100% , why you don’t use Beltronics Vector V995  - the top radar detector can detect all bands ( included Ku bands) . You can check more at Beltronics vector v995 review 

False Alert Filter

False Alert Filter is not advantage of Beltronics Vector series . This series does not have GPS and community sharing like top radar detector like Escort radar detector . It only has City and High way mode. This function will automatically turn sensitivity to be appropriate with the location . Do you know that city has more false alert than high way . That why  almost top radar detector like Beltronics Vector series should have this function.


Where does the radar detector user fear a lot ? That should be Virginia and Washington Dc. In those states , you don’t allow to use radar detector. They have a device to detect radar detector and if you are caught , you really pay a lots for that. What is the best solution for those states ? That should be the radar detector which can be undetectable by radar detector detector device ( this device use for detecting radar detector).  You can buy a Beltronics V995 for this function . This function is really the best function of this radar detector and Beltronics Vector series.


About the price , Beltronics Vector has budget friendly price . This price really make you satisfied . Do you want to buy a top radar detector with about $200 and below . If you want these condition, Beltronics Vector series will be the great option for you. Remember for buying the best product, you should buy it on Amazon . In Amazon, you will have chance to buy radar detector with a cheap price . In other website, I’m not sure about that.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Valentine One Technology

Looking for the best radar detector now. Valentine One V1 will be the first candidate. Valentine One V1 has top features which is very helpful for you. Here is the list of top radar detector features of Valentine One V1 radar detector.

Long Range Detection

The Longest range radar detector in the past and now still keep that position. Valentine One V1 make user feel comfortable when using it .  Long range really make a user satisfied . User trend to pay a lots money for the long range radar detector . That is the reason why Valentine One V1 is love by almost driver in America . With Valentine One V1 , driver never fear of distance between them and police radar speed gun because you will always have enough time to avoid.

Laser Detection

All radar detector can detect normal bands in America like X , K, K bands. What made different between a top radar detector with normal radar detector is laser detection. Laser radar gun is a night mare of any driver. If they meet a police with a laser radar gun,  drivers won’t have enough time to decide . Laser is very effective for police. Normal radar detector will have a lots trouble for detecting laser. Some laser radar gun is invisible with radar detector . That is because you don’t Valentine One V1. With two rear antenna , you will have 360 degree laser full protection . Valentine One V1 not only able to detect laser but it can detect from the longest range . With Sensitive laser detection, Valentine One V1 will tell you the signal from a incredible range. That is not all what Valentine One V1 got. Below is 2 features which make the difference of Valentine One and the others . Let's check more Valentine One review to know what is it ? 

Directional Detection

Only Valentine One V1 has this feature. This is a unique features and make Valentine One brand proud . With 4 arrows detection, Valentine One V1 will show user the direction of threat . Valentine One V1 will highlight a arrow if this arrow show direction of radar gun. It’s very convenient for driver.  Driver will have all information about threats . Avoiding all kind of radar gun will be very easy with Valentine One V1 Directional Detection feature.

Number Radar Gun Detection

Number Radar Gun Detection is also available for Valentine one V1 radar detector . That feature show how many radar gun near . This feature combine with Threats directional Detection to become a perfect couple features for Valentine one V1 radar detector.