Monday, May 30, 2016

Meet Escort's newest super star, Escort Max 360

Technologies have made ground breaking leaps to the radar detector market. These digital devices have done a great job in keeping drivers safe while driving because they can alert them to potential threats.

Recently the market welcome a new super star from Escort, the Escort Max 360, the best radar detector so far in my opinion. In this age of technology, when the law enforcement is trying really hard to force people to abide by the law.

Chances are that when driving, you can’t always remember the speed limit of different locations, or know where a red-light camera is installed. Many people, including me, have had to pay a much higher amount of money than just the fine itself. When being pulled over for exceeding the speed limit, a driver has to pay not only hundreds of dollars in fines, but also insurance rate increases and time off from work.

There have been a rise in the devices used by law enforcement in an attempt to control the speed. There are not only radar guns and laser guns nowadays, but also red-light cameras, photo radar and air patrols that can put you into a sour case at any time. Even a driver with nearly perfect driving record can’t be sure that he won’t encounter that situation. Hence, investing in a device like the Max 360 that will pay for itself is an intelligent move that any driver can make. Keep reading this Escort Max 360 review if you’re considering buying and want to know more about this wonderful item.

The device provides a 360 degree protection thanks to its dual antenna design, which used to be a patented technology by Valentine until 2011. It can detect threats coming from front, rear, left and right direction and the arrows indicator is doing a great job there in notifying the driver in the fastest and most convenient way.

But my favorite is that this unit can autolearn to shut down errant frequencies. This is enabled by the built-in GPS and Bluetooth technology that makes it possible for the detector to pair seamlessly with your smartphone and the crowdsourced mobile app, Escort Live and update itself on fixed location threats.

Sold at $649.95, this obviously isn’t an ideal choice for those on a budget, but if cost is of little concern to you, you won’t regret it as it can absolutely pay for itself over time. Having said that, let’s have a simple example to clarify. There are about 41 million drivers get ticketed annually. Each fine will cost you $150 on average, which has an associated amount of insurance rate hike that can add up to $900 after three years. Need not to say more, you’ll definitely save yourself some money here with Escort Max 360’s help.

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