Wednesday, August 19, 2015

10 Beauty Tips Along With Toothbrushes

1. Tame Fly away : You love a sleek hairstyle, but how to get those annoying flyaways in the way of perfection? Just take your toothbrushes come out. Use a hairspray and spray it on the top of bristles and lightly comb to neat them in your way.

2. Brush your eyebrows:  If oneday you wake up and realize that your eyebrows is so messy with wild brows, keep you calm and give it a quick swipe with a toothbrush and a little gel.
3. Prep your nail:  Make your day better by polishing your nail. But you should use your toothbrush to clean all the dirt on your nails before polishing. Then, pick one of your favorite nail polish color, use the bristles to put it into your nail randomly. Continue doing that with the other toothbrushes and the other nail polish colors. Use the nail washer to clean your toothbrushes.
4. Exfoliate Lips: Exfoliating lips is very important to have a beautiful lips. You only need apply a little some lip scrub on a toothbrush and then scrub it on your lips to remove dead skin.
5. Beauty Cleaning Tool:  Some places are  really hard to reach on your beauty tools as nail clippers, hairbrushes,…. and sometimes, you don’t how to solve it? Nothing is better than clean it with a toothbrush. You can use a toothbrush to scrub every places on your beauty supplies.
6. Correct a Tan:  When your skin is tan in some body parts as knees, elbows, .... how to remove it?A safe beauty tip is available for you. The first thing you need to do is making the tan correcting mixture including a glass of water, a half of lemon juice glass and a spoon of baking soda. Then, you dip the brush into this mixture and softly brush it into the tan body parts. It will remove every tan and bruises as well even it is a dark tan.
7. Remove Dye Stains: Dye your hair at home and get some dye stains on your forehead, your cheecks, you wonder how to remove it?Apply a little face wash, olive oil or baby oil to the color (avoid getting it into your eyes) and gently scrubbing it with a soft toothbrush. Then, you wash your face in the warm water.
8. De-Clump Lashes: You make up with your mascara and it is overloaded. You can fix it with a new toothbrush ( not use a recycled toothbrush because of eye accidents). These toothbrush will remove clumps and separate lashes. You will have an amazing eyelashes.
9. Blend Dry Shampoo: If you went out with the dry shampoo or you want to dye your hair, you just take a toothbrush and blend the dry shampoo into your hair roots or blend the hair dye products.
10. Brushing Fringes: Waking up to messy fringes or just  the wind blows your finges is a common thing in every girl story. And you know how important the fringe with every girl. It will decise 50% of your appearance. Totally, you can fix it with a comb but or in case of you have an oily fringe, what should you do? A toothbrush and anti- humidity hairspray will help you and give your bangs naturally. Try do it and see how does it work.

Wow… We can’t image the old toothrushes have so many useful ways. 10 beauty tips with toothbrushes will make your day easier.  

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