Thursday, May 19, 2016

Top Radar Detector Pick

Technology is changing at a mind-blowing pace at every second every single day to satisfy people’s more and more sophisticated needs, leading to the fact the digital devices like radar detectors have to quickly adapt to survive. In 2016, we witness a lot of improvements in the radar detector market and the arrival of what I believe is the best radar detector so far - the Escort Max 360.

As mentioned in my previous post, “Features to look for in the best radar detectors”, a top detector should combine timely detection and alerts, multi-alert functions at the same time, full control power over the device’s performance and good customer service. And Escort Max 360 just rocks as it possesses all the above and even more than that.

After testing it for few weeks, I believe this unit is really worth the money. It sells at 649.95 dollars on the official website, including shipping fee and at 650 dollars on Amazon, which is significant higher than its rival’s cost - Valentine One costs you only 494.98 dollars if you buy it from Amazon. However, the price is easily justifiable. Escort is confident enough to say they will pay for your first ticket, if you should get one while using their product.

It’s not a joke when the manufacturer is so proud of their new product. As you may guess from its name, the Escort Max 360 provides a full circle protection. It equips dual antenna which allows it to detect various laser and radar signals from every direction. You will get alerts to possible threats with their arrows indicator and they also provide voice alerts, which allows you to fully concentrate on your driving.

Their patented DSP (Digital Signal Processing) technology was what I really appreciate. It gives extremely faster alert of farther and more accurate upcoming threats, in comparison to other competitors on the market. Many other radar detector reviews have also given good comments on this prompt detection performance!

It is a really quick auto-learner. You can tell the machine when it give a false alert and it will not repeat. The other day I was riding across a nearby convenient store and as the door is motion-sensing and there are frivolous radar emissions. On the very first ride, the 360 alerted very loudly and proudly, but as I continued passing by over the next few days, the alerts went away completely.

Built-in GPS and Bluetooth features help users integrate the radar detector with mobile apps to get updated about potential threats and to report and receive reports from other users in real time. The mobile app - Escort Live - is fairly intuitive and work seamlessly with the device.

The ease of use and those features have placed the Max 360 in top 3 best radar detector of this year, following by Escort Passport 9500ix and Valentine One, which are also value-for-money purchases.

In short, if you are seeking for some high-end quality product that can help you avoid paying around 150 bugs for speeding ticket and cost is of little concern, the Escort Max 360 should be the best investment!

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